Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Goodmorning Darling

I lay there with beads of sweat on my collarbones. The hot morning sun is shining onto the bed through the near by dusty window. I can hear the birds chirping as the new day begins while they rest in the tree tops. One leg is over my warm white sheet. My head is nicley nestled in my pillow. I feel everything, i see everything, i hear everything. I can hear him breathing, so peaceful. One hand is on his moist chest. I can feel his heart beat. It's beautiful. I know he's awake. I can feel his fingertips trace lines across my bare stomach. My toes scrunch up. My eyes are now shut. He gently traces his index finger across the tender skin just under my breast. His delicate touch disappears. He grabs my hand and intwines his fingers between mine. My eyes are now adjusting to the light but the first thing i see is his eyes looking right back at me.

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